Last updated
Last updated
The "Package Update" action performs a package updates on a target host. In a similar way to Package Check Update, this action will be update a package based on the versions available in the configured repository.
In left menu, go to Hosts.
Click on Host object and in General tab, click on packages button.
After clicking on packages, the Packages tab on this Host will open. Select the "Packages Upgradable" checkbox to view only packages that have an update available.
Also, it is possible to send some packages to Hold. The Hold state means that the packages that are in the list will not be updated in any way.
To create a Package Update action, simply select one or more of them and click on the "Upgrade Selected Packages" button.
Go to Action History tab on current Host to view the action process.
After Success action, it was necessary to run a Package Check Update action to confirm back to Linux Control Center that these packages are no longer upgradable. The next action is the Photography, this action will start automatically after Package Check Update success.
Go back to Host General tab and click on packages button and check if the packages now is updated.