File Add
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Linux Control Center (LCC) provides an effective feature to create files on multiple machines or groups of machines simultaneously. This action simplifies the process, allowing users to handle large-scale file add through a centralized console.
In the left menu, go to Hosts.
Select the check box on the Host object, click Actions and select the File Add action.
In the "File Add" section, select the File Type.
The File Type is just a way to Linux Control Center management any file.
After select the File Type, insert the managed file which is managed by Linux Control Center.
Click on Yes button to start the action.
Click the target Host object and go to Action History to track the status of the action.
When the action is successfully completed, in Action History, click on the "Expand" button for the current action.
Check that there were no errors during execution, as shown in the image below:
Hands On test:
In this case, the file created on the server was resolv.conf. The second output refers to the new file.