Package Install
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The Linux Control Center (LCC) offers an effective feature for installing packages on multiple machines or groups simultaneously. This action simplifies the process, allowing users to perform large-scale installation, either by uploading a file containing the desired package information or by entering the packages directly through the console.
There is two ways to perform a Package Install on Linux Control Center.
Large Scale Installation The "Package Install" functionality enables users to install packages on multiple machines or groups at once. This simplified approach is essential to optimize the time and effort required to manage complex environments.
File Upload or Manual Entry Users have the flexibility to choose between uploading a file containing the desired package information or manually entering packages through the console.
In left menu, go to Hosts.
Select the checkbox on Host objetct, click on Actions and select the Package Install action.
On the Install Packages, insert the packages name on the insert package input and click ADD to append the list. Click on Save.
After Save, a new Action called Package Install will start on the target host.
Click on target Host object and go to Action History tab to follow the action status.
After Success action, back to Host General tab and click on Packages button to see the new packages installed.
On the Packages page, search for the installed packages to confirm if they is installed.