Linux Control Center 2.10 or higher
Nutanix Prism Central and/or Element pc.2022.6.0.10 or higher
AOS Version 6.5.2 LTS or higher
NGT Agent;
User with permission to list VM information;
User with permission to create Recovery points;
This guide provides information and step-by-step instructions to integrate the Linux Control Center with Nutanix Prism Central and/or Element.
Integration with Nutanix Prism is classified as a Rollback Item within the scope of the Linux Control Center. Generally, a Rollback Item aims to start a backup task, create a snapshot, recovery point, or similar item within the integration scenario to ensure system rollback if a modification causes any unexpected behavior in your technology environment.
Create a Recovery Point for a server managed by the Linux Control Center, which has been duly identified in Nutanix Prism.
Integration Flow:
Nutanix Prism Configuration;
Define which actions will generate a Recovery Point;
Retrieve virtual machine information;
Identify servers managed by the Linux Control Center that are present in Nutanix Prism;
Request action;
Generate Recovery Point;
SSH login to the server;
Execute commands;
It is important to note that the Linux Control Center operates with the minimum necessary permissions in third-party systems, so Recovery Point management is not performed in Nutanix Prism. It is necessary for the team to manage resources such as available storage space for Recovery Points and other lifecycle operations of a Recovery Point within your corporation.
Nutanix Integration Configuration
In the Linux Control Center, go to Config > Nutanix.
On the Nutanix configuration page, click Add.
Provide all necessary configurations to authenticate with Nutanix Prism.
Enter the Nutanix URL in the URL field.
Enter the Nutanix user in the Username field.
Enter the Nutanix password in the Password field.
Define whether the integration will be with Nutanix Prism Central or Nutanix Prism Element using the Integration button.
If the Nutanix Prism Central and/or Element solution does not use a valid digital certificate, enable the Ignore SSL option.
Click Save.
After saving, a test connection will be made to validate communication with Nutanix Prism. Wait for the Status icon to turn green.
Nutanix Prism Host Synchronization
After saving the previous configuration and the icon confirming the Status of the connection, click on the integration profile.
Within the Nutanix Prism integration profile, click on the Hosts tab and click Sync to synchronize with the Nutanix Prism hosts.
The synchronization action will authenticate with the Nutanix API and attempt to retrieve the IP Address and Hostname of existing Virtual Machines.
The returned list of Virtual Machines will match the Hosts already existing in the Linux Control Center and, if successful, the Host will be marked with Nutanix integration, allowing the Linux Control Center to perform the Rollback feature.
At the end of synchronization, you can see the Hosts in the same Hosts tab in the Nutanix Prism integration configuration.
Click on the Actions tab and define which actions will trigger the creation of Recovery Points on the previously selected machines, then click Save.
Testing Nutanix Prism Recovery Point with Linux Control Center Action
Click on Hosts on the left panel of the Linux Control Center
Click on the Host that was previously configured/enabled in the Nutanix Prism solution integration settings screen.
Host screen in Nutanix integration
After selecting the Host, execute one of the action(s) enabled on the Nutanix Prism solution integration configuration screen.
When executing an action previously configured in the integration, the creation of a Recovery Point for that virtual machine will be requested from Nutanix Prism. The requested action will only be executed after the Recovery Point creation. If there is an error in creating the Recovery Point, the action execution will be interrupted, and its status will be "error."
Click on the selected host and then click on the Rollback tab. You will be able to see the list of Recovery Points in Rollback Items.
In Nutanix Prism, if the Recovery Point is successful, an event will be created as "Create VM recovery point."
Last updated